The Quote Book

So my roomates are pretty much the funniest people around when nobody is watching, actually even when people are watching. I thought I was the only random crazy person in the world- always getting those akward double-takes for the randomicity birthed somewhere between my brain and mouth, but Mariah and Becka ramble as much as I do! We have a newfound love in the house- disjointed, akward (aka: gauche) statements that when pulled from thier context, make us not only love eachother more, but pretty much make us want to pee our pants. So we decided we needed a book to wrtite it all down in, and thus the quote book was born. It lives on the coffee table in our living room, and any coment ever uttered to any of us is fair game to be forever remembered on those sacred pages.
Now stick with me as I go aside for a moment. A while back I told Mariah how excited I was that there was a song with my name in it. It is most likely the worst song ever written, but I was still excited; my name is familiar not so common. It dosent even come on those little stupid personalized penciles, notpads, ugly neckalces people buy just beucause it has their name on it, tiny useless licence plates, shoe laces, so on and so forth. And not that I ever wanted the useless paraphanelia, but I was still always envious of the "Jenny" pens and "Amber" stickers. Not to mention, my entire life I have been mistaken for Christy, Christa, and Kristen; "Hi my name is Chissy." Reply, "Oh how nice to meet you Christa. What a lovely name. Christa, Christa, Christa." Cringe- it's like nails on a chalk board. Long story short, the Chrissy song was a pretty big deal to me.
So I decided Mariah needed to hear it. The other night we where all sitting in the living room as I poked around online for a quick-play of the song. However, I stumbled across only more proof of the patheticness of the song. So let me just tell you what the song is before I go any further, it is "Chrissy the Christmas Mouse" by Debbie Reynolds. So I wandered on to this pathetic page with a little single-note jingle of the song and typed lyrics. And much to my dismay, there was a little cartoon of Chrissy herself. I was horrified! If it isnt bad enough that people buthcer my name, or exclude it all together, now there is this slut-mouse to be the face girl for Chrissy's everywhere! Sounds harsh, but you should see her. Obviously, a quote was quickly installed in the quote book, "Chrissy the Christmas mouse lives in the middle of Santa's house.... Ag! Chrissy the Chistmas Mouse is a whore!"
We had a good long laugh; and despite all of this, I still asked Mariah to download the retched song- I occasioanly listen to it and weep, quitely, deep inside in dispare for my name's sake. So if you are ever over, please pick up the quote book and enjoy. And don't forget to fish for the Chistmas mouse quote. I thought I would also provide a link to the site so you can check out the little squeeker for yourself. Enjoy.
Yay! I get to be first. I'm stealing your comment virginity!
Firstly, this post had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Which was much needed by the way.
Secondly, I can't wait to see what other excellent posts you are sure to provide.
I miss your biscuits!
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